The Chevron Richmond Fire and Love

The other morning I woke up thinking about the Chevron fire we had the day before, and all the ramifications there might be because of it. I thought about the birds that may have been flying nearby, breathing in all that toxic smoke, and all the wildlife in the area. Where could they escape to quick enough? How is this going to affect our environment in the long term?

I thought about the people living nearby, the commuters stuck in traffic passing the scene, and everyone and all the wildlife in vicinity of the smoke’s trail.

Then, my mind went to all the countries, cities, and people this country has brought devastation to by war. All the toxicity we’ve left behind, much of it due to the desire for oil. The oil dilemma is causing so much continuous pain.

When will it stop? When will we, as a nation, as a world, realize the pain of greed? We’ve had the technology for electric cars back when I was a child, and the big oil companies and who knows what other powers of control squashed it, as it would seriously impact their income stream. When will we unplug from this crazy energy of greed, lust, coveting, having, getting, and consuming?

Imagine a nation whose desire was love and the good of all? Imagine a nation whose mantra was “do no harm”.

My heart so desires to be plugged into the energy of Love, The Love Current. In everything I do, say and think. It begins with individuals, as we know. And there are more and more of us who are plugging in to the Love current and unplugging from the energies that cause hurt, separation, division, greed, hate, and fear. Collectively, we are changing the world as we create an atmosphere of Love within our ourselves, which radiates out into the world we touch everyday — our friends & family, our co-workers, bill collectors, drivers sharing the road (yikes), grocery clerks, etc.

Let’s continue to do what we can to affect change. Maybe that includes calling or writing to your representative, signing a petition or speaking out regarding decisions that will seriously impact the ecology of our world. Let our voices be heard and our lights shine bright.

One of the things on my wish list is a hybrid car for the “people”. A truly affordable hybrid. I bet it’s possible, and we “just” need some manufacturer to plug into Love a bit more and less into greed. Ha! That should be simple, right???  Well, a girl can dream…

Would love to know your thoughts!